Monday, February 14, 2011

Horse Riding Equipment to Protect Your Horses

Horses are noble animals, they inspire respect and trust, and they can be faithful companions if you take proper care of them. You will enjoy safe and long riding days as long as your horse is happy and protected with good horse riding equipment.

When you own a horse, you understand the connection between the rider and the animal; you want it to be comfortable, to be healthy, and fit. And you can manage all that just by paying attention to the essentials on horse riding equipment, and their quality.

Make sure you get good quality products, because if you don't, while you might save some cash, you might end up hurting your beloved horse and maybe even yourself. There are items which are just a must have if you want to ride properly, and you must get them from a respectable retailer that has the animal's well-being at heart, as well as yours, of course.

For example, when it comes to bridles and reins, don't ever settle for lower quality, it is your horse's mouth and head at risk, and your own, if you can't control the animal, because it is in pain. Remember that, horses might be strong but they are also very sensitive animals, if they feel scared, or are hurt, they can react abruptly and cause serious harm in case of a fall or a kick.

Also, before you go out for a riding trip, remember to take with you some basic emergency kit, like elastic bandages, antibiotic ointment, and large size gauge tape, these can be of great help if something goes wrong. Horse riding equipment, as you can see, extends to all that is necessary when out riding, to things like insect repellent sprays, food and water.

Before you leave the stables with your horse, just make a check list, with all the necessary horse riding equipment, and don't leave without ticking every box in that list. There will be the obvious like saddle and stirrups, and the not so obvious, like an emergency shoe for the horse, one that can be put on the horse directly by anyone.

If you notice that there is something wrong with the equipment you now use on your horse, don't be afraid of change, and keep in mind yours and your horse's needs. You will find that different horse riding equipment can be found according to the different activities of different horses.

How to Ride Horse Safely

There is almost nothing as good, as the marvelous feeling of freedom that riding a horse provides, the reconnection with nature, the speed, or the calmness, the smell of fresh air, and the partnership with such a majestic animal, make horse riding an amazing experience. But, if you don't take the necessary measures to ensure horse riding safety you can be in a lot of trouble.

The following five tips can help you to avoid unnecessary problems and accidents when horse riding.

1. Check your horse's saddle/horse tack before leaving the stables. Check for tearing, make sure the horse is comfortable, that everything fits, and that everything is where it should be. A happy horse is the best way to horse riding safety.
2. Check your own clothing, don't even try to go out riding without the proper helmet, or equipment. And check the good state of these as well, because a cracking helmet won't be of help if you were to fall.
3. Emergency and first aid kit, if something was to happen make sure you have some first aid kit with you, for both you and the horse. Also phone numbers, not just your doctors, but also the veterinarian's.
4. Don't try tricks you don't know when out on a horse, just relax and do what you can do, even if it means just sitting and letting the horse walk. Don't rush a horse if you don't know how to control it yet. And in this case don't go out riding on your own, because horses can be unpredictable creatures especially if ridden by inexperience riders.
5. Know your surroundings, don't adventure into an unknown area with your horse, believe it or not, they also get scared and are very sensitive to their environment. So explore the place you want to go to without the horse first, and don't force the horse to terrains that are to new for it.

These simple tips, along with other basic rules, like only riding a well rested and calm horse, are the golden rules of horse riding safety. You and your horse can enjoy a great riding day if you take proper precautions and know what you are doing.

Just remember that you are the only one who can take care of yourself both before the ride, and once on the horse you will have to trust each other, which reminds me, don't ever ride an animal you don't trust, because it won't trust you either.

Horse Trailer Covers for Your Horse

If you own a horse and enjoy taking your horse out for rides through different destinations such as camping trails, the beach, or other various destinations then you understand the importance of having a horse trailer. You want to ride your horse on so many different trails but the only way to get your horse to all of these different locations is with a horse trailer. What happens to your trailer when it is not in use though?

Horse trailers can be very expensive as anyone who owns a horse or enjoys riding a horse already knows. If you have already invested a great deal of your hard earned money in to a trailer then you know that a trailer cover is needed. The trailer cover is going to protect your trailer from harsh weather and elements. It is also great for protecting your horse if needed as well, just while the horse is away from its stall of course.

What kind of trailer for your horse do you own as you need to know this information in order to choose the cover that is right for you. If you own a goose neck trailer then the cover will most likely be more expensive simply because goose neck horse trailers have a tendency to be a bit larger than the regular trailers.

There are many different options to choose from when searching for a cover for the trailer. The best option is usually what is referred to as a "universal fit". The universal fit horse trailer covers are made for regular trailers and goose neck trailers and are made to fit any and all different types of trailers. This is because they are made very large but can be tightened to fit around the trailer ensuring that it is a perfect match every time.

As always when searching for different trailer covers the best possible option is almost always online. If you search the internet for horse trailer covers then you can almost always find covers that are just right for your trailer as well as finding the best deals and bargains. So search the web and compare prices and you will have your new cover in no time at all.

Horse Stall Mats Advantages

Horse stall mats are usually made of durable rubber, come in various textures and finishes, and can be purchased in various sizes, or they can be made to measure. Alternatively the stall can be decked out with interlocking rubber tiles that cover the floor. Smaller sizes are lighter, more portable, and thus more versatile as they can be used in other areas, such as in the horse trailer to prevent slipping, and to provide comfort under-foot when transporting a horse long distances.

There are many advantages of using rubber matting as a floor covering in the stable.

Firstly, it provides a great deal of comfort to the horse. The rubber has a soft cushioning effect, which is comfortable to lie on and is not likely to cause the horse any injuries resulting from stress or strain to the joints or pressure points.

Secondly, rubber matting is a good insulating material, which provides warmth, as apposed to a cold concrete floor or damp earth floor, which do not retain heat and can be very cold, especially in winter.

Stable matting can be purchased with either a textured finish or smooth finish, or alternatively a reversible mat which offers smooth finish on one side for easier cleaning, with a textured finish on the other for safe use in wet areas. The textured finish offers excellent traction to prevent the horse from slipping, and thus increases safety.

Rubber stable matting is very hygienic as it is easy to keep clean, and unlike wood or earth flooring, it is easy to sterilize.

Drainage is an important issue to consider when you are looking to purchase rubber stable matting. Some of the rubber flooring options available are porous, allowing urine to drain through them, whilst rubber flooring made up of smaller sections or tiles allows drain off in the joints. A mat that will drain easily will allow urine to pass through, keeping the stall nice and dry, but it is essential that the underside of the flooring is grooved to allow liquids to drain away. A well drained system will also save you a great deal on bedding costs. However, it is important to consider where the urine will drain away to. If there is a permeable substrate, such as compressed stone, underlying the matting, then this is not a problem, the urine will soak away into the ground below. With concrete flooring it is best if there is a slight slope to assist runoff of accumulated urine. Alternatively, the mats will need to be lifted periodically and the floor underneath hosed down, and in this case lighter matting should be selected for ease of lifting. If the urine does not runoff and is allowed to build up underneath the matting, it can release ammonia into the air, which can be detrimental to the horses health. If drainage is going to be problematic, then it may be best to go for a solid rubber non-porous system with few or no joints, and use conventional bedding to absorb urine.

Rubber stable matting is an economical alternative to conventional flooring as far less bedding is required as the mat provides a comfortable, warm, well cushioned sleeping pad for the horse to lie on. It not only saves on bedding material, but also the time and cost of labour involved to muck out a stable lined with conventional bedding material.

How to Buy Good Horse Saddles

Horse riding is one of the most desirable sports in the entire world and its growing popularity it has drawn millions of fans. There are a lot of people who enjoy watching the races and betting on the horses and jockeys have become a common thing. To ride a horse it is imperative that you buy a horse saddle. This is the only way you will be able to ride comfortably.

There are different types available in the market today. You can choose one that suits your style and that you think is comfortable. So the choice really depends on you. You also need to learn how to tie it to the horse. You also need to take the animal into consideration before buying one, because you won't be able to ride it properly unless it is comfortable in what is being put on it.

Make sure that you set a budget before buying one because they can be very expensive to buy one. you need to check out the various types available before you settle on one. this way you will be able to get what you want easily. you will have to take someone help while buying one. this will help you make a better choice.

If you have no idea where to buy one from you can browse through the various websites selling these. you may even get these for the best deals online. All you need to do is shop around a bit and buy one that is right.